Interracial Dating is both a dating site for singles looking for an interracial relationship, as well as a meeting service for other interracial couples to meet one another. Users of all races and ethnicities can sign up. The site also features several “mixed race” identifying options, which are sometimes absent from other dating sites. Both straight and same-sex searches are allowed. There is an inter-site email service that allows users to communicate, as well as a “wink” option. Text and webcam chat are encouraged, though the full functionality of these features requires a subscription.

Users and Profiles:

A quick survey of user profiles does show a wide diversity of users across the site. Profiles are as detailed as the users prefer, showcasing bios, interests, and characteristics. Some of these features can be requested by other users, making profiles a little more private than other sites. From the profile page, users have the ability to send emails, chat, cards, and winks. Users can also add profiles to a “favorites” list. However, it should be noted that some of these features are also only available to upgraded accounts.


1 Month: $44.90

3 Months: $34.90/month

6 Months: $24.90/month

VIP add-on: $14.90/month

Trial accounts are free, but are limited in the amount of features users can access. Upgraded “Gold” accounts open up more communication options such as chat via webcam and unlimited emails. The “VIP” upgrade offers more benefits such as the ability to communicate with all tiers of users and increased visibility.


Interracial Dating is a no-fuss sort of dating site that does what it says. Most of the user base appears to be singles rather than couples, but this is just based on observations using a trial account. It’s likely that paid users who have access to more advanced search functions would be able to find a lot more. That being said, the trial membership does offer users a good look at what the site has to offer. Anyone who wants to do some serious socializing with other users would probably do well with a paid upgrade. Users who would like prospective singles to “come to them” would benefit from the VIP add-on. Overall, the site is easy to navigate and has a lot of features to choose from, with a diverse user base just as advertised.


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